Wellness Services

Detox Foot Soaks

Our Ionic Detox Foot Soaks are designed to detox the body, flush the lymphatic system and balance the body’s PH, all through your feet. Our foot bath detoxifies by generating an electromagnetic field that pulls trapped toxins and chemicals from the body.

Infrared Sauna

There are numerous health benefits that come from spending time in the infrared sauna, such as decreased inflammation, detox, weight loss, improved sleep, and more. Unlike traditional saunas, infrared saunas heat the body at the core using infrared light versus dry heat.

Ozone Sauna

Our ozone sauna chamber is a fully self contained relaxing, rejuvenating, detoxifying steam sauna bath. Ozone is one of the most effective body detoxifiers, and by combining this with steam and heat, you can enjoy the ultimate oxygenation of the body. Ozone Therapy is also great for strengthening your immune system, reducing inflammation, stimulating ATP energy, managing stress and fatigue.

Ozone Insufflation

Ozone is what we like to call “super charged oxygen”— something our bodies live and thrive off of. Using ear/nose insufflation or IVs, we can administer more oxygen into the bloodstream through Ozone Therapy, which decreases inflammation, improves cellular health, boosts your immune system, and promotes detoxification.

Cold Plunge

Cold plunges shock the system, triggering both a fight or flight response and a calming reaction. Consistently taking cold plunges can help your body become less reactive to life's stressors and promote deeper relaxation. When you take a cold plunge, norepinephrine floods your brain, leading to enhanced relaxation, focus, better sleep, and an uplifted mood. Additionally, cold therapy reduces inflammation and swelling, detoxes, and replenishes nutrients to fatigued muscles.