IV & Specialty Therapies

IV Therapy

Simply offers high quality, customized IV infusions in a relaxed and soothing environment. By delivering minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and amino acids directly into the bloodstream, you guarantee maximum cellular absorption. IV therapy is an excellent solution for rehydration, optimizing your health, recovering from illness, and enhancing your athletic performance.


Simply offers a variety of vitamin injections to target specific health benefits, address any nutrient deficiencies, and promote overall wellness. Explore our selection of Classic and Premium injections, and join us for Happy Hour every Tuesday and Thursday from 2-5pm for 50% off all shots!

Specialty Therapies

While we love our Classic and Premium IV treatments, our Specialty IVs are unique and more advanced for the patients seeking something extra for their health. Our Specialty IVs are some of Heather’s favorite treatments that she has seen great benefit from in both her life and the life of her patients.

All specialty IVs require an appointment, which can often be made the same day depending on availability.