Understanding the OligoScan: A Comprehensive Guide

In the ever-evolving landscape of health and wellness, the OligoScan has emerged as a cutting-edge tool for assessing mineral levels, certain vitamins, and heavy metal toxicity in the body. But what exactly is the OligoScan, how does it work, and what benefits does it offer? Let's dive into the science and applications of this innovative device.

What is the OligoScan?

The OligoScan is a non-invasive device designed to measure the levels of various minerals, trace elements, and heavy metals in the body's tissues. It provides immediate results and is particularly valued in integrative and functional medicine for its ability to offer a quick snapshot of a person's micronutrient status and potential toxic metal exposure.

How Does the OligoScan Work?

The OligoScan utilizes a technology known as spectrophotometry, a scientific method that measures how much light a substance absorbs. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how the OligoScan operates:

  • Spectrophotometry Basics: Spectrophotometry involves shining a specific wavelength of light on a sample and measuring the intensity of light that is either absorbed or reflected. Different substances absorb and reflect light in unique ways, creating a distinct spectral fingerprint.

  • Measurement Process: During an OligoScan test, the device is placed against the skin, usually on the palm. It emits light into the skin and measures the intensity of the reflected light. This data is then analyzed to determine the concentration of various elements in the tissues.

  • Data Analysis: The OligoScan's software processes the light absorption data, comparing it against a database of known spectral fingerprints for different minerals and metals. This analysis produces a detailed report on the levels of these substances in the body.

  • Immediate Results: One of the key advantages of the OligoScan is its ability to deliver results almost instantaneously, allowing healthcare practitioners to quickly assess and address any imbalances or toxicities.




*For accurate testing, knowledge of your blood type is required before receiving the OligoScan. Luckily, we offer blood type testing at Simply!

The Science Behind Spectrophotometry

Spectrophotometry is grounded in the principle that different molecules absorb light at specific wavelengths. When light passes through or reflects off a sample, the spectrophotometer measures the intensity of light at various wavelengths. By comparing these measurements with known standards, the device can identify and quantify the substances present in the sample.

In the context of the OligoScan, this means the device can accurately measure the concentration of minerals and heavy metals by analyzing the light reflected from the skin. The precise calibration and advanced algorithms used in the OligoScan ensure that the readings are both accurate and reliable.

Benefits of the OligoScan

The OligoScan offers a range of benefits, making it a valuable tool in both clinical and wellness settings:

  • Non-invasive Testing: Unlike blood or urine tests, the OligoScan does not require needles or sample collection. This makes the process quick, painless, and stress-free for patients- and even safe for pregnant women!

  • Immediate Results: The OligoScan provides instant feedback, allowing for on-the-spot analysis and discussion. This is particularly useful in clinical settings where timely intervention can be crucial.

  • Comprehensive Analysis: The OligoScan measures a wide array of minerals, vitamins and heavy metals, offering a holistic view of a person's micronutrient status and toxic metal exposure.

  • Preventive Health: By identifying deficiencies and toxicities early, the OligoScan enables proactive management of health, potentially preventing the onset of chronic conditions related to mineral imbalances and heavy metal toxicity.

  • Personalized Interventions: With detailed information on a patient’s mineral and metal levels, healthcare providers can tailor interventions to meet individual needs, optimizing dietary, supplement, and detoxification strategies.

View an Example of OligoScan Test Results Below:

The OligoScan at Simply

We offer the OglioScan along with custom services to best cater towards each individual needs! Book an appointment with us today!

  • OligoScan ~ $160

  • OligoScan + Custom IV bag ~ $175

  • OligoScan + Custom IV bag + Consultation ~ $325

The OligoScan represents a significant advancement in the field of micronutrient and heavy metal analysis. Its non-invasive, rapid, and comprehensive testing capabilities make it an invaluable tool for both healthcare practitioners and individuals seeking to optimize their health. By leveraging the science of spectrophotometry, the OligoScan offers a precise and convenient way to monitor and manage the body's essential minerals and potentially harmful heavy metals, paving the way for better health and well-being!


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