The Gift of Life: Donate Blood at Simply July 9th!

While it is incredibly important to take care of our own health, it is also vital that we promote wellness within our community by donating to those in need. This July, we have a special event that embodies our mission: a blood drive scheduled for July 9th. Donating blood is one of the simplest yet most impactful ways to give back to your community, and we need your help to make this drive a success!

We are so proud to announce that we are partnering with Vitalant, one of the nation’s largest nonprofit blood and bio-therapies healthcare organizations, providing hospitals and patients across the U.S. a safe blood supply. 

Details Of The Drive:

Date: Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Blood Drive Hours: 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.

Location: Simply Midland, 200 Spring Park Drive, Suite 101, Midland, TX 79705

Why Donate? 

  • One out of every 7 people who enter a hospital will need blood. In fact, every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood. 

  • A single blood donation can save up to three lives. Your blood is composed of three key elements: blood cells, platelets, and plasma. Each of these components can be used to help a different patient. Red blood cells are a big help for surgery patients, platelets often go to cancer patients, and plasma is often used for trauma and burn patients.

  • We tend to assume there will be blood available when it is needed. Sadly, blood cannot be manufactured and can only come from a person who donates it. Approximately 30,000 units of blood are used in the U.S. each day. Blood shortages occur regularly and potentially can cause a delay in treatment for patients.

  • We will ensure that you have a safe and efficient donation process. Trained medical professionals will be on hand to guide you through the donation and answer any questions you may have!

Blood is a vital component in many medical treatments. Patients undergoing chemotherapy, organ transplants, and those with blood disorders like sickle cell anemia rely on donated blood to manage their health. Your donation ensures that these treatments can continue uninterrupted, offering patients a better chance at recovery and a higher quality of life.

What Can I Expect When I Donate Blood? How Do I Prepare?

  • Within 2 hours before your donation, be sure to eat a nutritious meal a few hours before donating to keep your blood sugar stable.

  • Drink plenty of water before your appointment to ensure a smooth donation process.

  • A photo ID is also required for registration.

  • When you arrive, a donor care technician will have you answer some questions about your health history, recent trips, and any medication you are taking.

  • You will then receive a mini-physical: your temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and finger prick will be taken. 

  • A care technician will guide you through the whole process as the donation is made. They will clean your arm with antiseptic, insert a sterile disposable needle, and your blood donation will begin!

  • Hang around for about 15 minutes; When you feel ready, you can get on with your day and celebrate your amazing achievement!

How Can I Know That I’m Eligible To Donate Blood?

In general, you can donate blood if you 

  • Are at least 18 years old (16 & 17 years old with parental permission); 

  • Weigh at least 110 pounds.

  • Are in good general health and feeling well the day of donation.

How Can I Maximize The Impact Of My Donation?

Make a Power Red donation! A Power Red donation is an automated blood donation that collects a concentrated dose of red blood cells, while returning your platelets and plasma back to you, which may help you feel less fatigue. Plus, a smaller needle is used! The donation process takes about 30 minutes longer than a normal donation, but can help twice as many patients too!

A Power Red donation is especially helpful to trauma victims, newborn babies, sickle-cell patients, and surgery patients.

Height and weight requirements for a Power Red Donation:

  • Men: 5’ 1” and up and weigh 130+ lbs

  • Women: 5’ 5” and up and weigh 150+ pounds

  • The ideal blood types to give a Power Red donation are O Positive, O Negative, A Negative, and B Negative.

How Can I Sign Up?

You can either walk in or sign up to participate in our blood drive by clicking on this link!      

What If I Can’t Donate Blood, But Want To Help The Cause?

We encourage you to invite your friends, family, and colleagues to join us. Share our event on social media, and help us reach as many potential donors as possible. Every drop counts, and every participation can make a tremendous difference!

Donating blood is a simple yet profoundly impactful way to contribute to the health and wellbeing of your community. It’s an act of compassion that requires minimal time and effort but yields immeasurable benefits for those in need. We look forward to seeing you on July 9th to work together and save lives!

Because of you, life doesn’t stop!


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