The Simply Guide: Essential Supplements for Back-To-School Health

As the school year kicks off, ensuring your child is healthy and ready to learn is a top priority. Sometimes kids need an extra nutritional boost, especially during the back-to-school season when they face new challenges and germ exposure. Here’s a guide to some essential supplements that can support your child's health and well-being during this busy time!

Supplement Routines for Toddlers/Kiddos:

Take Daily:

1) Cod Liver Oil 

  • Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) and vitamins A and D, cod liver oil supports brain development, boosts the immune system, promotes healthy vision, and strengthens bones, making it a great supplement for overall growth and well-being in children.

2) D3/K2

  • Vitamin D3 helps the body absorb calcium, essential for strong bones, while Vitamin K2 directs calcium to the bones and away from arteries, preventing calcification and promoting cardiovascular health.

  • Vitamin D3 also supports a healthy, strong immune system (especially during the winter months when sun exposure is less common).

  • Cymbiotika D3/K2 for infants, toddlers and older kids (In-store at Simply!) 

  • Mary Ruth's D3/K2

3) Ion Gut Barrier support (In-store at Simply!)

  • Diversifies the gut microbiome, supports healthy digestion & immune system, defends from toxins, and improves nutrient absorption.

4) Springboard probiotic OR Microbiome Labs gummy probiotic for kids (In-store at Simply!)

  • Probiotics support kids' digestive health by maintaining a healthy balance of gut bacteria, which strengthens their immune system, aids in nutrient absorption, and can reduce the likelihood of digestive issues like constipation or diarrhea.

Extras for Daily use:

5) Multivitamin

  • Multivitamins help ensure kids receive essential nutrients that might be missing from their diet, supporting their overall health, growth, and development, and boosting their energy levels and immune system.

  • Supernutes by orthomolecular (In-store at Simply!)

  • Hiya Multi

6) Isotonic Quinton Minerals (In-store at Simply!)

  • Isotonic minerals help kids absorb essential nutrients more efficiently, supporting better hydration, cellular detoxification, energy levels, and overall wellness.

  • Add one vial to your child’s water daily!

Have on hand for sickness (or buy when needed):

1) Kids Immune Fortifier or Imu-Max by Orthomolecular 

  • Help strengthen your child's immune system, making them more resilient to common illnesses and infections, especially during the school year when they are exposed to more germs.

2) Pleo Notakehl (functions as a homeopathic, natural penicillin) (In-store at Simply!)

  • Designed to support treatment for chronic and acute bacterial infections, particularly staph and strep.

3) Vitamin C

  • Strengthen kids' immune systems, promotes healthy skin, and aids in the absorption of iron, making it essential for overall health and protection against common illnesses.

  • Cymbiotika liposomal vitamin C (Give 1/2 pack)

  • Mary Ruth Kid’s Vitamin C

4) X-clear nasal spray or Herbalish Breathe nasal spray (has oregano in it) (In-store at Simply!)

  • Provides targeted relief from congestion, allergies, and sinus issues, helping them breathe easier and stay more comfortable throughout the day.

5) Nebulizer & 3% Food grade H2O2 , they also carry this at Natural Foods

  • Delivers medication directly to the lungs, providing rapid relief from asthma symptoms and respiratory issues, which can improve breathing and overall comfort.

  • Natural antimicrobial to help with upper respiratory infections.

  • Ask the front desk for instructions/protocol on how to do this safely & effectively!

6) Lugol's 2% Iodine (At Natural Foods)

  • Reduces fevers by working with the body's innate healing response (not against it like most over-the-counter medications do) to provide an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral effect to stimulate the transport of oxygen, nutrients, and waste products. 

  • Here is a great blog post on how to do an iodine bath

7) Viracid by Orthomolecular (In-store at Simply!) 

  • a powerful combination of key nutrients and botanical extracts that provide support for immune challenges. Helps to soothe throat irritations and nasal secretions, and it maintains normal inflammatory balance by increasing antioxidant levels throughout the body.

8) Ibuprofen, dye-free (just in case)

  • Reduces pain, fever, and inflammation, making it effective for managing common issues like headaches, muscle aches, and cold symptoms. 

  • We try to avoid medications as much as possible, but sometimes they are needed! We prefer ibuprofen (if over 6 months of age) over Tylenol. Ibuprofen is hard on the gut, but tylenol depletes the body of glutathione, which is essential for detoxification and immune function. 

  • Pro-tip: Give Ion Gut Support on the days your child has to take ibuprofen to protect the gut!

9) Cymbiotika Activated charcoal (In-store at Simply!)

  • Activated charcoal can help alleviate symptoms of a stomach bug by adsorbing toxins and bacteria in the digestive tract, which may reduce nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

  • Heather gives her 2.5 year old ½ a pack when needed for a stomach bug. 

10) LMNT (just in case for stomach bug) (In-store at Simply!)

  • The main electrolytes lost through vomiting and diarrhea are sodium, potassium, and chloride. LMNT helps to replace these along with lost fluids!

11) Arsenicum (just in case for stomach bug)

  • Helps alleviate symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea,

12) Herbalish or Rowe casa throat Spray (In-store at Simply!)

  • Throat spray can help soothe and protect a child’s throat from irritation, reduce discomfort caused by coughing or dry throat, and provide a quick, convenient way to alleviate symptoms during cold and flu season.

13) Cough & decongestant by Herbalish (In-store at Simply!)

  • Decongestants can help alleviate nasal congestion and improve breathing, allowing kids to breathe more easily and feel more comfortable, especially during colds or allergies.

Go Beyond Supplements! 

Supporting your child’s immune system goes further than just supplements; it involves making healthy lifestyle shifts that foster overall well-being. Start by prioritizing a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats,  and grass-fed, pasture-raised proteins to ensure they’re getting the necessary vitamins and minerals. Encourage regular physical activity, as exercise boosts circulation and helps immune cells move through the body more effectively. Adequate sleep is another cornerstone of a strong immune system—establishing a consistent bedtime routine ensures your child gets the rest they need to fight off infections. Additionally, reducing stress through fun after-school activities can help maintain a healthy immune response. Good hygiene practices, like regular handwashing, are essential in preventing the spread of germs. By incorporating these lifestyle changes, parents can create a supportive environment that strengthens their child’s natural defenses!

Supplements can be a valuable addition to your child’s back-to-school routine, helping to fill nutritional gaps and support their overall health. Along with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep, these supplements can give your child the best start to the new school year!


Extracorporeal Blood Ozonation and Oxygenation (EBOO) at Simply!


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