IV Ozone Therapy

IV ozone therapy involves the administration of ozone, a highly reactive form of oxygen, directly into the bloodstream through an intravenous (IV) infusion. Ozone (O₃) is a molecule composed of three oxygen atoms and is known for its potent oxidizing properties.

  • Ozone therapy dates back to the 1870s. Believe it or not, it was used during WWI to treat infections of potentially fatal battle wounds. Since then, it has gained more and more traction in the medical world. Over 50,000 practitioners use ozone around the world, including Simply!

    Ozone is oxygen, but instead of its typical O2 state, it’s in an O3 state. Ozone therapy consists of administering O3 to the body through various routes including the skin (through saunas), the ears and nose through insufflation, and even intravenously through the blood. 

    Known for its ability to oxygenate the blood, improve blood flow, enhance metabolic function (and ATP production aka energy!), and balance the immune system (enhancing or calming down the immune system), Intravenous ozone therapy is a favorite here at Simply. For more information on if IV Ozone therapy is for you, see our FAQ!

  • This IV therapy consists of ozonating a sample of a patient’s blood and returning it to the same patient intravenously. The oxygen from the ozone attaches itself to the patient’s red blood cells and delivers oxygen to your organs and tissues. 

    • Increases blood and oxygen circulation

    • Boosts the immune system

    • Helps lower inflammation and decrease the environmental toxins within the body

    • Increases the ability to fight infections and disease

    • Kills viruses, bacteria, fungi, and mold.

    • People with chronic infections like Lyme disease

    • Those with autoimmune conditions

    • Individuals with cardiovascular concerns

    • Athletes or individuals seeking performance enhancement

    • People looking for detoxification

    Used in the treatment of a variety of diseases including Autoimmune disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative diseases, Asthma, COPD, and more.

IV Ozone Therapy

Traditional IV ozone therapy where a sample of a patient’s blood is ozonated and returned to the same patient intravenously.


This is intravenous ozonated blood therapy with a boost! After the patient’s blood sample has been ozonated, it is then run through an ultraviolet light just before returning to the patient’s body. This ultraviolet blood irradiation acts as an extra step to further detoxify the blood, lower inflammation, increase oxygen, and support the immune system.


IV Ozone Therapy with UVB

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  • Ozone is what we like to call “super charged oxygen”— natural oxygen consists of two molecules (O2) and Ozone is made of three (O3). Through ozone IV therapy, we can administer more oxygen into the bloodstream to promote a wide range of health benefits. This is just a fancy way of saying we put ozone gas into your bloodstream through an IV, which increases oxygen utilization, decrease inflammation, destroy germs, improve mitochondrial function, helps stimulate the immune system and more.

  • By returning superoxygenated blood back to the patient, oxygen is easily able to reach the tissues and organs. This leads to improved mitochondrial function, lowered inflammation, and improved immune system function. In addition, ozone works to neutralize toxins within the body and play a role in destroying germs.

  • Anyone who is looking to lower inflammation or improve circulation benefits from ozone therapy. Specifically, patients with autoimmune conditions, circulatory issues, mold toxicity, or viral/bacterial illnesses greatly benefit from this treatment.

  • Unless you have a contraindication (pregnancy, breastfeeding, currently on blood thinners, etc.), you are able to participate in IV Ozone Therapy. For more specific questions, please contact Simply & we will connect you with our medical staff to answer your questions more fully.

  • Frequency depends on the patient and the condition being treated. However, we usually recommend a series of 8 with 2 sessions/week.

  • Ozone therapy is like a train. As it is rushes through your body, it grabs impurities and drops them in your liver/kidneys one time. UV, on the other hand, causes a chain reaction. The oxygenated and energized blood enters the body and passes the oxygenation to the rest of the blood cells for 3-10 days.